Button and Patch had pups!
Two healthy boys and 1 stillborn.
However, Button went prolapse after birth.
This means she kept pushing and pushed her uterus out of her body.
Thursday she gave birth, Thursday night she was in emergency surgery.
Also, Thursday night hubs and I spent the entire night hand feeding, keeping warm and praying for our lovely little lady still at the vet's.
Friday morning we got the call to come to get our girl.

She no longer has a belly button but she is home and doing well.
Of course, she had to have her uterus removed so these little boys will be the only pups she ever has.
She'd lost half of her blood and received a blood transfusion.
We are grateful she made it through.
Thankfully her milk didn't dry out during her 14 hours away from the pups.
The boys are healthy and adorable!
Cuddling on top of one another is their absolute favorite thing to do and if you separate them, for any reason, they whine. A lot.
Life has been full here, slightly stressful, very expensive, but full.
Full of joy, full of love, full of hope and full of gratitude that all is well.