My little cutie!
So today I have been working all day long, I started with dishes, an hour walk with my neighbor then more deep cleaning. Earlier today we had our garbage emptied now its half full!
My clean laundry pile that I still need to fold and put away, at least its all clean!
Our kitchen table, I have my step mother coming for tea tomorrow so this mess needs to be all cleaned up!
My list of things to do tomorrow
1. Clean kitchen floor
2. wash dishes
3. Vacuum living room floor
4. fold laundry
5. make lunch and tea
6. put up Christmas decorations
AHHHHHH that is one huge list add to the fact that I will also being going on my daily one hour walk in the morning.
However it is raining right now so I might get lucky and get my morning walk scrubbed! At least one can hope!
We are trying to get the whole house cleaned and organized before Wil's surgery on Thursday so that way we can spend those days just getting him better.
Now for a quick book review I recently read the book "Not quite a bride" which is a hilarious book about a 30 year old woman who's younger sister is married and pregnant, and when her best friend also gets engaged she gets desperate to have her dream wedding while she is still young so she hires a fake fiance.
It just goes from bad to worse as the screw ball comedy gets more and more out of hand.
While its not a work of genius it is really good for a laugh!
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