Friday, January 8, 2010


Book news first - I have completed my first book!! Yeah! I am still rechecking and rewriting but it is mostly finished and I have started book two of the series. I am so thrilled.

My hubby started Medifast last week and has gone from 337 to 317 in a week - mostly water weight but we have high hopes of being able to get him down to a healthier weight - kind of want to keep him :).

Next we have completely changed our children's room's around we bought a new bunk bed with a tent on top, and have moved both children into Autumns room. Gideon's old room is now food storage on my exercise room making much needed room in the living room! Next on my list of changes are hopefully new couches for the living room.
But like all things in my life change takes time, and so will my couches.

As for the kids Autumn is reading better and better everyday and Gideon can do a real cartwheel and is trying to do back flips and the most amazing thing he has been adding new words to his vocabulary!

Sorry all my words seem to be taken up for my books but I will try to get on more


TJ said...

That a great weight loss. I'll be interesting in how it works on the long term. We need to loose weight and it's so hard. Sounds like you've been busy around the house and your book. What is it about?

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you!!! Glad to hear about your book, and of course your hubby. ;)

Kim said...

How exciting to have a book finished. Do you have a publisher?

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