Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Photos of my BFF and I

Yes the chubby glistening one is me!
and the beautiful one is my BFF!

We recently discovered that it had been 5 years since we had taken photos together!
Now it might be a coincidence that it happens that 5 years ago marks
the birth of my son and my massive weight gain,
but I doubt it.

I am making changes to my life in the hopes that I can finally start shedding some pounds.
First I have met with my doctor and even said that I would like help losing the weight.
Second I am moving to a standing computer desk - hopefully with a treadmill under it!
(hubby still has to agree to my proposed changes!)
Third I am eating better and no not just salads.
I am buying fresh non pasteurized milk locally that does not kill off the good bacteria.
I have lowered shockingly my cheese intake (horrors!)
And am trying to find other ways to be fit and healthy.

I am no longer searching for a quick lose weight deal - they don't work for me!
Instead I hope that remodeling, gardening and yard work as well as eating right and daily exercise will help me stay active enough to lose some weight.

In my corner I have some wonderful and supportive people that want to see me happy.
I also have a book I am trying to get published and I really don't want to be interviewing looking like I do today! 
I mean EEK! the camera adds another TEN pounds!


Natalia said...

HEY! You are GORGEOUS! It has nothing to do with weight and everything to do with your soul and personality. I mean, look at how you glow in those pictures! You're beautiful =) And anything I can do to help you lose weight, you can count me in (like walking around LOTS of stores! lol)

Blessed Rain said...

Yes take me shopping tomorrow! LOL!!!

Meredith said...

Thank you for the comment on my blog--don't apologize for not stopping by recently....goodness knows I'm not posting as often these days LOL! As for the weight loss, I've been on weight watchers since mid January and it's hard, but seems to work. By hard I mean hard to not just eat whatever I want! Good luck to you with whatever you decide!

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