Sunday, November 21, 2010

Family, Snow and Power....

Late last night at 10:25 pm my middle sis and her two kids arrived at our local train station. I had braved wet slushy snow and a slick freeway to rescue them and take them to my home. When we woke up the next morning this is what we were greeted with.

Eight inches of snow!

To make life even more interesting at 3:10 last night we lost power! Yay!

Power was finally restored at noon and we were very relieved as it had started to get rather cold in here.
Not to cold mind you, I was rather proud of how my home had retained the heat.

I am also very relieved and happy that the water pipe was fixed two days ago as now it would be put off until spring.
I made it by two days!

More pictures to follow, we are safe, happy and together!


Natalia said...

So happy you all got back safely! I'm sorry you lost power for so long. At least it wasn't 90 degrees in the middle of summer! ;) We got a solid foot over here (well, 11 inches, but close enough). My tree in my backyard is hanging all the way down resting on the ground!

Wendy said...

I love the photo of your tree with snow. That snow storm was crazy. I am curious to see what else we get this week.

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