Monday, March 29, 2010

Talk about Crazy!

So last week I lost nothing and was still holding at 205 today I weigh in and am down to 203!! Yeah!! Hubby is down to 278 one more pd and he will have lost a grand total of 60 pds!

I also think Prissy may be having allergy issues to my Easter Lily, so today it moves from inside to outside and I need to remember why we don't have flowering plants in the house.

My poor little girl, if she is anything like I was at that age her nose is running, her eyes are tearing and she had a headache that just won't go away!
As an adult my allergies are much more manageable - I am very happy to say.

Thank you for reading! I love knowing that people are supporting me in my weight loss!

1 comment:

Natalia said...

Love love love you! You'll be thin in to time!

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