Friday, April 16, 2010

To grandmothers house we go

Autumn loves Mary Kate and Ashley especially the early years. So the other day Hubby bought several new DVD's on amazon for a steal. Our latest was "To grandmothers house we go" where the very young girls take off trying to get to grandma's house. At the end of the movie the girls steal a Christmas sleigh with two horses dressed up like reindeer as the costumes fell off the horses they look at each other and say Santa is a fake. Prissy sitting on the couch watching turns to her papa and seriously says "Santa Clause IS a joke." We about died laughing!We have told her before that Santa was not real but only in movies, however, little kids still like to hope. It's funny how one kid movie just turned the tide. I love my little prissy and I love our fun little moments.

1 comment:

Natalia said...

Hilarious! She's so cute!

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