Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekly Workshop Week 3

This week's work shop covers ~ Appearance, Daily Rituals & Quality of Life

To join please click on Weekly Workshop Week 3
What I have posted below are only part of the workshop if you really wish to understand, join in or be apart please click the link above.


How do you see yourself?

  1. When did you last purge your closet of clothing that does not make you look and feel great? I would have to say I purge my closet when my cloths fall apart. Lately though I have lost some weight and had fun buying some new items
  2. When was the last time you went to the hairdresser and had your hair done in a way that makes you feel beautiful? Thankfully I can say that right before Thanksgiving my BFF took me to a nice salon and cut my hair. I will confess though that this is the first time in almost 12 years that my hair was cut by a professional.
  3. Have you ever had your nails professionally manicured or had a pedicure? Again - my BFF and weddings have blessed me with this indulgence. However I am very good at caring for my own nails.
  4. Do you know what colors flatter your skin tone? Yes, although I don't favor wearing them all of the time.
  5. Do you know what style clothing best suits your body type? Yes, though unfortunately its not easy finding them in our current markets.
  6. If you need facial hair removed, have you gone to see someone to help you with it? Most salons today have hair removal experts and it is virtually painless. No I tend to my ownself
  7. When was the last time you gave yourself an at home facial? years... daily facial care but not a long treatment
  8. Are you confident with your smile....your teeth? Very
  9. Have you kept up with dental work? My dentist says my teeth & roots are beautiful
  10. When you look in the mirror, how do you feel about your body? First that you can't slow time & Second
  11. Do you exercise regularly? No I need to start again
Who Calls You Beautiful? My hubby, children, friends and some various family. Also about 6 months ago a man almost fell at me feet telling my I was the most beautiful woman he had seen in years. He of course was in his 80's.

Daily Rituals: 

  • Do you stretch? (Aside from trying to get something off the top shelf)
  • What is your pre-bedtime routine? Do you have one? Perhaps you should think about developing some sort of pre-bedtime routine in order to unwind and prepare your body for sleep.
  • Do you floss your teeth daily?
  • Do you lose touch with yourself during the day?
  • What do you look forward to each evening? If you cannot answer this, perhaps you need to develop a routine that gives you something to look forward to doing each evening....
  • Are your days spent doing those things you most want to do?
  • Are you physically active each day? 
  • Do you schedule time just for yourself and your own interests?
  • Do you feel like you are constantly playing catch up?
Your answers to these questions will be an indicator of how you are doing in this area of self-care. Rituals/Routines help us take better care of ourselves.

Quality of Life

Some suggestions to improve your quality of life:

  • Understand how you personally measure success.
  • Understand that there is no such thing as perfect. Abolish perfectionism.
  • Work on those things that you want to make better.
  • Invest in yourself...learn new skills.
  • Understand that it's ok to reduce your expectations but raise your standards with regard to your accomplishments. Start right where you are, be ok with that and make it the best. Then you can move up to the next level.
  • Respond to those things that tug at your heart.
  • When we shop for a new home, we usually choose a home that is a vision of how we desire to live. Cultivate friendships that inspire you to better yourself. I have met people in my life who inspired me to be all I could be...I just wanted to sit at their feet and learn. Those kind of friendships are an important part of improving the quality of our lives because we learn new skill sets.
  • Perfect your self-care routines. 
  • Each day is a masterpiece with fresh canvas....create it in a way that makes you feel fulfilled and whole.
  • Understand the meaning of the words Grace and Love. Do your best to live your life this way.
  • Have a vision.
  • Be genuine.
 Yes today I only answered the top half - the other questions are more inner thought or not really a fun read - yes/no/of course.
This has been a great workshop ~ if you go through and read them then wonder when you had advised someone else to do that or done it for someone else... it brings along a whole new depth.

1 comment:

highheeledlife said...

This week really is amazing!! I can't wait to get into completing my questions..this is an area I have been struggling with post accident. xo HHL

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